Well, I'm back, I know it's been a while since I've posted but hopefully I have worked it into my schedule, and will be posting at least once a week. So, to get you caught up on how my hours have been spent the last couple months. I have taken my art and decided to run with it, ok, maybe not literally run with it. Although that may be an advertising option! I have put it on
www.etsy.com/shop/artbycheri and have been renting tables at craft fairs this fall.
For those of you that don't know, a couple years ago, I could not do watercolor for the life of me. Like a lot of people, I was drawn to it, but could not paint it. So, I signed up for Kittery Adult Ed watercolor class.
http://kittery.maineadulted.org/ Well, my teacher, Doris Rice, was amazing, patient, encouraging (even though I was horrible at it for a while) and I just fell in love with how she taught.
http://dorisrice.com/ I have since taken several of her classes and am currently in one right now actually, through Kittery Adult Ed. The current class I'm in allowed me to bring in all my cards that I have for sale and show Doris. I was so thrilled to do show and tell with my teacher, you would have thought I was in school again. LOL Well, she loved them and she used them to give examples to the class, how to save the whites of the paper, doing birch trees, doing poked evergreen trees, etc. I couldn't have been happier, I was like a proud puppy dog!
Anyway, besides taking class, I have been out and about trying to sell my art. Well, let me tell you, it is not an easy market out there. I have been to a craft fair every Sat. since the first Sat. in November and I have to say, it is starting to wear on me. I have done well at two of them, because I saw several people I knew at them, and bless their hearts, purchased from me. But I'm beginning to think that cards may not be the best way to get my art out there. So this weekend I decided to do some brain storming. What can I put art on that will sell?? How can I get my art to be irresistible?? What are people buying?? Well, I don't know if I was able to answer all of them, but I did a little research and found out the top selling items at craft fairs are jewelry. The top selling items on Etsy.com are jewelry.
Ok, so people are buying jewelry, how does that help me, I paint watercolor. Think, think, think. Well, with a lot of thinking, and a little research, I found a way to get my watercolor art in the form of earrings. I am taking them to the craft fair this weekend to see what the reaction will be to them. Now, I'm still experimenting with them, so you won't find them in my etsy store yet, but if you really want a pair, email me and I can mail them to you.
Also, if you are looking for holiday cards and like my style of painting. I am having a sale on my etsy store. Use coupon code HOLIDAYSPECIAL2013 to save 13% on your entire purchase.