My Art has been on Etsy for a few months now with no results and no sales. For those of you that don't know,
Etsy is an online shopping place for small businesses to list their homemade and vintage items for sale to the public. I was seriously thinking of closing down my account after the holidays, but then I met a fellow artist at one of the craft fairs I did the fall that has had success with Etsy. So, I took some of her pointers and joined a couple of teams. The one that has made the most difference has been
Etsy Maine Team. They are a community of Crafters, Artists, Moms, all from Maine. All the members work together as a team to like and share each others items so that you can get your shop out there beyond your own friends and family. I have been so overwhelmed with appreciation for these team members since I joined a couple weeks ago. They have all been so welcoming and supportive. I have even gotten my first two sales from the team members. Now I know that 2 sales doesn't sound like much, but to someone that hasn't had a single sale in the almost three months I have been on etsy, 2 sales is a huge deal! My shop is now up to over 30 items in it and I am working towards 100 listings by this time next year. Yes, yes, I know, that is a LOT of painting to do in the next year!!

I will be branching out soon to wall art, paintings large enough to put in a frame on your wall. And maybe if I have the time to experiment this winter, paintings on fabric for scarves and such. Right now I still have cards with my beautiful watercolors on them, as well as jewelry beads with my watercolor artwork on them. I would love it if you checked out my
A big thank you to all the Etsy Maine Team members!!
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