A couple winters ago I took a basic drawing class from adult education. Having never had any art classes in school, I wasn't sure what to expect but I thought it could be useful with my watercolor paintings. Well, I did discover one thing in that class, that I was miserably horrible at drawing people and faces. So, I thought, I will just stick to landscapes and never draw human form again. Now, we both know, that did not work out well for me. I just kept being drawn to female art, and the more I saw the more I wanted to create it.
But .... there was one HUGE problem with creating female art -- I couldn't draw human form!! So a spent a couple years afraid of it, afraid of the thing I so loved. Admiring the one thing I couldn't create myself. UNTIL... I finally just said Fuck It!! I'm doing a study in Female Form!!
A few weeks ago I took down one of my pieces of art that I love and decided to try to draw the woman in it. It came out kinda like a ... well, very alien-esk. But, I made it all the way through it, you can tell its a female ... mostly. On to my next one. That one came out much better, but I still cant do hands, had to hide the hands. The next one, couldn't get the nose right for the life of me and had to cover it with her hair.
So, I am still at the very beginning at my female form study, but already I have improved on the basic body. The face, hands, and feet are proving to be more difficult than the rest of the body. So far I have been able to be creative with hand and foot placement so that I don't have to draw them as much, but soon I will have to make point to just tackle them too. You can find my art on Etsy or on my website. Follow me on facebook to be the first to see my newest creations.